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WANTED: front page coverage in the Financial Times! 

As skilled PR practitioners, getting the very best national coverage for our clients is just what we do: day in, day out. With national and sector media at our fingertips, sometimes we underestimate the impact a ‘bucket list’ piece of coverage can have, and we’re often asked how on earth we do it.  

In the fast-moving, competitive world of media outreach where social sharing, online views and click-throughs provide tangible evidence of audience engagement, it might come as a surprise that many businesses still want the kudos that comes from achieving sector and national coverage in their preferred top-tier title.  

We don’t think it’s surprising at all. The credibility factor that comes from achieving coverage in a title that is widely regarded as the top media outlet for a key industry sector can’t be measured in reach figures alone.  

Whilst national media coverage is often sought after, PR professionals can sometimes be surprised to discover which titles matter most to the businesses they work with. From aerospace to logistics; legal journals to glossy magazines, “making it” means different things to different people. For example, they might be part of an industry body and eager to contribute their thoughts to one of its newsletters, or they could be a long-standing admirer of a professional organisation and looking for a way to start a conversation.  

Case in point: someone we recently helped feature in The Planner said that being in the mag was a career goal of theirs! 

Whilst motivations might differ, good PR is the skeleton key that opens every door. 

At Pearl Comms we know the value of delivering national coverage results that meet or exceed expectations. That’s why we always discuss what dream coverage looks like at the start and encourage the people we work with to share examples of articles that they find impressive – along with a few expert suggestions of our own, of course.  

So, how do we do it? 

The answer lies in well-thought-through campaign strategies and expert delivery.  

Successful PR professionals are avid media watchers and listeners who consume news stories readily. We understand what the media want, and more to the point, what they don’t. We have a knack for translating corporate messaging and using it as a springboard for developing insightful content that journalists want to use in their articles and editors want to publish. 

Dreaming of coverage in a title that feels out of reach? Get in touch for a chat today. 


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