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Achieving market cut through via PR with purpose 

It’s hard to believe that H2 of 2024 is almost here. It’s been a busy start in the world of PR, and with a series of big events on the horizon – think the Paris Olympics, the Euros and the buildup to the general election – things are set to get even more intense.  

PR with purpose: top tips for market cut through

With PR professionals across sectors battling it out to get the best coverage for clients, here are our top tips on how to cut through a saturated market using PR with purpose. 

Stay in your lane 

However, if you start wading into online arguments or debates that aren’t a match with your business’ expertise, this could have a negative effect and even cause reputational damage.  

A construction company commenting on the efficiency of modern methods of construction of new Olympic buildings? That’s a big tick. 

A business ranting about lack of medals? Best leave that one out. 

Staying in your lane shouldn’t be seen as restrictive, instead, think of it as tailoring outputs to drive your PR strategy forward by ensuring you’re creating PR with purpose. 

Beware of the #hype 

With the general election approaching, promises, pledges and platitudes are going to be flying from every part of the political spectrum. While it can be tempting to comment strongly on these as they unfold, it is always better to first try to sort the PR wheat from the chaff. 

Think about what is likely to be implemented and what might just be hot air. It’s important to save your comments for those things that might have a material effect on your sector, business or customers and speak from a place of authority.  

Getting sucked in by hype or political posturing could demonstrate that you’re not on top of your brief, and it could lead to potentially embarrassing questions further down the line. 

PR with purpose? Ask a pro 

A good PR team will understand your remit as well as their own. They are your guides through the frantic news agenda and will bring you to the stories that matter – where you can make the biggest impact.  

At Pearl Comms, we’re competitive, and love nothing better than getting our clients onto the national news agenda. How? Strong media relationships, a detailed understanding of our clients and an insatiable appetite for the juiciest news stories. 

Want to know more about how creating PR with purpose can elevate your business in H2 of 2024? Get in touch today. 


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