Ready to maximise your messaging? It’s all in the timing.
The 24-hour news cycle means that stories are developing all the time, and deciding when to comment can be difficult. Go too early and your predictions might come back to bite you. Go too late? Well… no one will care.
While that might sound harsh, the secret to maximising the impact of your messaging is getting the timing right – and that’s where a great PR team can make all the difference.
From little acorns mighty media stories grow
In the face of what can feel like constant pressure to keep up with the rolling news agenda, PR is the key to knowing when to go for a story at the right time.
For example, throughout the recent general election, policies were flying, rumours were swirling and for those not used to commenting publicly, trying to spot what had legs and what didn’t could quickly feel overwhelming.
That is where the skills of a trained PR team come in – to spot the developing stories that are sure to grow and will provide lots of opportunities for your messaging to get heard.
One such story was about tax reforms. We used our media expertise to spot the story at rumour stage and create a comment with tax expert, Julia Rosenbloom, at law firm, Shakespeare Martineau to get the messaging across.
As the story grew and potential changes were outlined, we built upon the initial comment with further insight. Once it looked as if Labour would sweep the election, we were already primed to go out with a stronger, longer advice piece – getting our expert heard in publications such as ThisIsMoney and The Telegraph, and gaining a fantastic 27 pieces of coverage overall throughout the election.
Strike while the iron is hot
To maximise your business messaging you need to time things right – and sometimes when work is busy, there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to keep one eye on the news agenda.
That’s where a PR team can make a real impact, by monitoring the news and using their media connections to create opportunities out of breaking stories.
By getting to know your strategic goals and the areas that your business wants to talk about, a PR team can help you to join the industry debate, ensure your key messages are delivered in insightful ways and achieve that all-important coverage that will make your target audiences sit up and listen.
Want to find out more about how PR can maximise your messaging? Contact us today.
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